Messengers from Beyond ~ 28 Nov 2017

Back on 19 October, a telescope in Hawaii detected a previously unknown object. Initial indications suggested perhaps another comet found our Sun gravitationally irresistible. Upon further analysis, data implied something far more curious - an “oddball.” The ultimate conclusion, we had an interstellar visitor - the first one known.

While we may have had other such visitors before, this is the first of which we are consciously aware. So curious is this object, astronomers gave it a special classification: interstellar asteroid. The excitement about this body in astronomical circles reminds me of how Chiron was regarded when he first appeared back in 1977.

The object, designated A/2017 UI, came to us from the direction of the star Vega speeding in at some 85,700 miles per hour. It is oblong - cigar-shaped - ten times longer than wide, which causes great variability in brightness as it spins on its axis every 7.3 hours.

My colleague Zane Stein - well regarded for his extensive work on Chiron - e-mailed several bits of preliminary orbit information. While we do not yet have a complete ephemeris - the orbit is still pretty much raw data - we do know that on October 11th it rode by 9 Cancer 32, then quickly zoomed through Gemini, coming up to 15 Aries 26 on October 21st. Yesterday it passed 22 Pisces 44 and over the next three weeks it remains in Pisces. As the winter solstice arrives, it ticks past 25 Pisces, then in direct motion.

So blown away are the astronomers, they gave A/2017 UI a name: Oumuamua; loosely translated from the Hawaiian, “a messenger who reaches out from the distant past.”

What message does this messenger bear? One thing we can be sure of about its preliminary orbit; the position of the north node should remain unchanged. The heliocentric node of Oumuamua weighs in at 24 Aries 36. Bear in mind that this degree is heliocentric (the transiting positions above are geocentric), and does not neatly overlay on a geocentric horoscope. However, we can glean from this a message of sorts from this Sun-based reference’s question to the spirit: What do you remember of yourself from long ago, back in primal soulful innocence before the complications of life got in the way and back when you felt an extraordinary connection to the heavens above?

Perhaps Oumuamua reminds us all to step out at night to revisit the sky - our overseeing celestial canopy that provides confidence in permanence, enduring wisdom and connection to All That Is. In such observations perhaps, connecting the dots, drawing your own personal constellation in the sky above restores the sense of awe of your presence on this planet and the reason why you chose this planet at this time. Perhaps it will be a different realization. Those pausing to ponder are more likely to read the messaging. During the next weeks with Oumuamua traveling Pisces what better way is there to renew the spirit and to find your own lodestone in the sky, much as the magi did centuries ago?

Before Oumuamua came on scene, I had been pondering the fact that all but one of the SKBOs (Scattered Kuiper Belt Object) discovered this year possess the unique trait of coming as in very close to the Sun - in the realm of where Jupiter and Saturn travel - and then retreat well beyond the realm of Pluto’s orbit. To this point, eight such bodies have been discovered this year. Like Oumuamua these yet unrefined and unnamed SKBOs bring messages from far beyond what we consciously recognized as the edge of our solar system in 1992. They seem to come in close to ensure the hand-off of vastly profound information is transacted. Potent insights such as these delivered by SKBO’s and Oumuamua demand thinking outside current parameters and desperately seek to reveal new dimensions of consciousness. Urgently they require that vast new insights, perhaps previously unimaginable alternatives be applied right now.

Since there are more than a handful of these, below is a summary of the objects’ orbits and based upon its north node (again, heliocentric) a bullet point tagline. For those of you who use Sabian symbols, the Sabian interpretation of degrees cited might render some fantastic imagery. So here they are:

2017 WW14 - comes in as close as Jupiter, retreats to 1.2 times Pluto’s farthest reach.

North Node: 9 Leo

Tagline: Reveal what you know you must reveal about yourself, but for the good of all.

2017 UX51 - comes in between Jupiter and Saturn, retreats to 1.5 times Pluto’s greatest retreat.

North Node: 8 Scorpio

Tagline: Confidently assume the role of magician. Out of thin air, extract the insights.

2017 RG16 - travels in between Jupiter and Saturn, retreats to 3.7 times Pluto’s deepest plunge.

North Node: 1 Aries

Tagline: In all things, constantly revisit the original intent.

2017 QF33 - comes in between Jupiter and Saturn, backs to 1.1 times Pluto’s greatest solar distance.

North Node: 8 Libra

Tagline: Verify your compromises are win-win. If not, renegotiate.

2017 KZ31 - comes in to slightly more than Saturn’s closest solar proximity, retreats to 2.4 times Pluto’s retreat.

North Node: 25 Leo

Tagline: Regalness requires no other declaration than being present.

2017 GY8 - comes in between Jupiter and Saturn, retreats to 1.1 times as far as Pluto.

North Node: 26 Taurus

Tagline: The perception of value resonates in the core of the bones.

2017 CX33 - edges close to Saturn’s closest contact with the Sun. Retreats to 3.1 Pluto’s greatest solar distance.

North Node: 15 Aquarius

Tagline: Translate the unimaginable to the completely understandable.

2017 AB5 - inches up to Saturn’s perihelion, retreats to 1.03 Pluto’s greatest distance.

North Node: 21 Taurus

Tagline: Present your pearls, let the response speak for itself.

More soon.